This project was done in Photoshop, the background image here has several layers with a sepia overlay.
These noodles originated in Thailand where vendors would make and sell noodles from their boats on the canals and waterways.
Pad Thai is one of the more popular Asian noodle dishes in the United States.
I love the look of the bamboo forest in this image, again using the same process of posterizing and layering the same image over each other. I wanted to convey a look of something in the past like a memory.
Of all the noodle dishes featured in this book, ramen has to be the most well known and loved Japanese noodle in the U.S. But what many do not know is that ramen originated in China and made its way to Japan in 1859. 

To turn things up a notch, I decided to flip the cover image up side down for the back cover.

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